Adharsheela Global School

Illness and Isolation

It is a matter of deep concern that parents allow children suffering from infectious ailments to attend classes or examinations. A child should be medically examined at the first sign of any rash/ fever and should be sent to school only on the advice of a doctor. After recovery from an infectious ailment, a child should remain at home for the period of quarantine as advised by a doctor. In order to return to school, a medical fitness certificate duly signed by a doctor, should be submitted to the office.

Quarantine period recommended for -

- Chicken pox - 3 weeks (till the complete falling of scabs)

- Measles - 2 weeks

- Mumps - 2 weeks

- Conjunctivitis - 1 week

- Jaundice - 4 weeks

If students come to school with infectious diseases, they will be sent back home. A student must be medically fit to attend school.

Let your life lightly dance on the edges of times like dew on the tip of a leaf. - Rabindranath Tagore

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